Ready for Work Experience

In this highly interactive workshop, students practise and learn techniques which help them to:
Make a good first impression (practising non-verbal and verbal communication).
Enhance their confidence and presence.
Communicate effectively with colleagues/adults.
Prepare and deliver persuasive presentations.
Students Explore...
No matter how confident students are around their friends and teachers at school, many are anxious about the prospect of work experience and communicating with adults they don’t know. We’ve all heard reports of poor first impressions, awkward interactions and students not knowing how to come across professionally in the work environment.
‘Ready for Work Experience’ helps students to enhance people and communication skills so that they:
Feel more comfortable and better equipped for work experience.
Find their feet faster and the whole experience more positive.
See work experience as a great opportunity to practise new skills and make them more competitive for future interviews.
Gain the best possible feedback from their employer.
The workshop is aimed at students in Year 10 or 11 and can be run for whole or half-year groups, each for 1hr 40min/2 hours.
Students leave the workshop with increased confidence, ready to get the best out of their work experience and be a good ambassador for the school.
We got involved,
instead of us just
sitting and listening.