What can I expect when I contact The Life Skills Company?
A professional, but friendly response within 24 hours.
The person you email or speak to, will normally be the person who comes to work with you and your students (no sales team!!).
Sound knowledge of education and a passion to make a difference.
Discussion and understanding of your needs, to personalise our training to meet your exact
educational needs. -
A fully inclusive quote with a satisfaction guarantee.
What can I expect at a workshop/conference from The Life Skills Company?
Effective, enjoyable and engaging whole or half-year group sessions - we do NOT just talk at your students.
Practical advice that is easy for students to implement straight away in their learning.
The opportunity for students to try out techniques for themselves - more an ‘experience’ than a ‘presentation’.
Who will deliver the workshop/conference?
The person you contact and plan with, is the person who will deliver the workshop/conference.
We are experienced, professional and passionate about making a difference.
We are confident working with large audiences and engage well with young people.
In short we are energetic, friendly, relatable, in touch and passionate about making a difference.
How long are the workshops/conferences?
We tailor what we do to meet your needs, so the length of the workshop/conference varies accordingly.
We work with you to fit it around your normal school day/timetable.
How will students typically react?
Students value the quality of the delivery.
Students enjoy that they have fun, interact and learn lots.
Students enjoy practising new skills and techniques and experiencing the difference they make.
Students leave the session more confident, motivated and better prepared for success.
Will I have a lot of arrangements to make?
No, we usually only require a hall, screen and projector (and if necessary, we can even
bring in the screen and projector). -
We will ask a few questions about your hall and send a tailored seating plan to be given to your site team. The plan is specifically designed to ensure that we can support any of the students
one-on-one during the session. -
We will arrive an hour before to set up in good time and give you peace of mind.
What do students need for the workshop/conference?
Students just need to bring a pen as we provide booklets for the students to use.
What can I expect BEFORE the workshop/conference?
We would like to know your objectives and more about the needs of your students.
We will recommend and personalise a workshop/conference to meet those objectives and needs.
We will provide a quote and work with you on the planning/logistics.
You will liaise directly with the person who will come and deliver your conference.
What can I expect AFTER the workshop/conference?
A summary of your students’ feedback (usually emailed the same day).
Recommendations of enhancements for future workshops/conferences based on student feedback
(we are relentless in the pursuit of quality and excellence). -
A plan to help you reinforce the workshop/conference in school.
A continued partnership that benefits you and your students.
Some schools also like to hold additional sessions for staff and parents so that the techniques can be
better reinforced in the classroom and at home. Just let us know if you would like to discuss this.
Why should I choose The Life Skills Company?
You will normally always work with the same individual – for preparation, delivery and follow up –
year after year. -
We pride ourselves in professional training that really makes a difference for students –
helping them to be their best and achieve their maximum potential. -
Our approach is pragmatic and students will know what to do to immediately enhance their performance.
We have been trusted partners in 100’s schools for over 19 years, many of whom re-book us year-on-year.
We take so much pride in our work and are pleased to offer all our customers a satisfaction guarantee.
If I want to book you or have more questions, what can I do?
Just telephone our office on 01342 822117 or alternatively you can email any of us personally,
click here to see our contact page.
Can I change the date of my booking?
Of course, just contact us in writing more than 10 working days prior to the workshop/conference.
Our full terms of business can also be found by clicking here.